Quo Vadis Indonesia?

Prof. Miroslaw Matyja (Director of Miroslaw-Matyja-Academia of Democracy in Indonesia)
Prof. Miroslaw Matyja (Director of Miroslaw-Matyja-Academia of Democracy in Indonesia)
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What about the direct democracy in Indonesia?

Above all, democratic development should be in Indonesian society guaranteed again. Indonesia is a big federalist country. The federalist character of this state is very suitable for the development of direct democracy at the local level. Such a development would certainly be an opportunity to ensure long-term democracy. The people should make the most important decisions locally themselves – in a referendum. Indonesian citizens are sovereign, which is why they want to have a say in their own affairs. The candidate who recognizes this has the best chance to became the president of Indonesia. By the way: the idea of direct democracy in Indonesia has been taught by our Academia for several years.


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